Life and So Many Changes

May 2024 has been so intense! It began with a flu that had my two year old with a fever for an entire day. It was low, so I knew he’d be okay.

Then, of course, my husband and I got the same flu. Only my toddler recovered pretty much in one day, while we were sick for much longer ๐Ÿ˜“

But we got through it, and I continued May living through all the changes of toddlerhood.

On a random night at 4am, I heard a thud. Then I saw through the dark a tiny figure running into my room! Eeek! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

It wasn’t Chucky the killer doll, it was my 27 month old who hopped out of his crib for the first time! That night, he slept with us, because we couldn’t keep him in his crib.

Immediately, we packed the crib, gifted it to a friend, and set up his toddler bed. And he has hated it ever since ๐Ÿ˜…

I never knew that the change from crib to bed was so jarring for young ones, but now I do. So, we’ve been patient (and firm) with him, but it’s given us a few sleepless nights.

The other day I reached for my makeup remover, only to realize the dark circles under my eyes were not mascara… they were just dark circles ๐Ÿผ I wasn’t even wearing mascara.

Patient Mommy

There have been many changes recently for my son: eating on his own with his own utensils, potty training, toddler bed, and soon moving up from nursery to young preschoolers at church.

This is a lot, so I’m being very patient with him. I’m not giving into whining or tantrums, but I’m being calm and loving with him.

I can feel it building my resilience, because I haven’t been this busy and sleepless since the newborn months.

As For Myself

I’ve splurged on a ton of YA books from eBay ๐Ÿ˜† I’ve gotten at least 3 full series, and will be sharing them as I read them, even though they’re mostly books from over 10 years ago.

I just want to lose myself in a young story of dystopian societies and choosing between two hot guys. This is a guilty pleasure that I will probably never outgrow! ๐Ÿฅฐ

This one is not a dystopian series, but I’m looking forward to reading Butterflies:

Butterflies by Susanne Gervay

I hope I have time to annotate some of the books I read, and maybe also review them on this blog!

Fashion Blogging

If you follow my fashion blog, rest assured that I am not giving it up! I just have a lot going on right now, and on my down time, I need to read.

And chill. And breathe ๐Ÿ˜Œ

I’m thinking of taking the summer off fashion blogging, or just adding some OOTD posts. Whatever I decide, I know I’ll post again only when I have good quality content, and not just filler.

June Goals

These are some of my June 2024 goals:

  1. Journal daily, even just 5 minutes.
  2. Allow times of mom + toddler play but also independent play.
  3. Lose myself in books ๐Ÿฅฐ
  4. Blog more often.
  5. Review the books that I’m reading.

And that’s it! Simple and ordinary, but I’m predicting that my June will be pretty busy with toddler shenanigans ๐Ÿ˜† But, you know, that’s the life of a mom.

I knew it wasn’t going to be easy! But, it’s been immensely amazing too ๐Ÿ˜Š


How was your May 2024? Care to share your June 2024 goals? I’d love to read them!

Thank you so much for reading!

with love,

~ Maribelle๐ŸŒน~


8 thoughts on “Life and So Many Changes

  1. Get well soon Mari!. Damn, your kid is growing up fast, my older sis has a few weeks old daughter, before she used to live with us, before moving out had to look after her first child, so know the feeling of keeping an eye out for the little ones. Good luck with the goals in June!!. Me, same old, same old, being a hermit xDD, May been weird for us brits, usually it’s hot, now it’s raining on and off, so trying to work whether to take a brolly or coat xDD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes he’s growing fast and always changing, which is hard for me because I don’t really enjoy change. But we’re getting through it ๐Ÿ™Œ And it sounds like summer doesn’t want to get to you! Hope the weather gets better for you guys soon ๐ŸŒž

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  2. It sounds like you had a very busy May (but full of surprises, like the crib situation)!! What a fun motherhood journey! Splurging on books sounds like a blast, and it’s awesome to lose yourself in a good book! ๐Ÿ“š Your June goals sound great, and I definitely can relate to wanting to lose myself in books, too! I plan on reading some more presidential biographies this summer, which I’m looking forward to! ๐Ÿฅฐ

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  3. I’m reading a series right now called Zodiac Academy. You should look it up, I think you might like it! It reminds me of Twilight a bit with the supernatural creatures. Plenty of love interests. My biggest June goal is to get through all of the manga that I borrowed from the library. I think I might have checked out too much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, all 12 in that series are on Kindle Unlimited, so I’ll definitely add it to my summer TBR. Thanks for the suggestion! Haha I know how that is, especially when it comes to manga ๐Ÿ˜ I’m currently getting through one called Ossan Idol! and I want to re-read my Tokyo Mew Mew’s. So many books, so little time ๐Ÿค“


  4. Sounds like a lot happening for the little guy, I feel for him. Having all those big changes at once is tough I imagine. But you are such an incredible mom and doing all the right things. Your son is so lucky.

    Enjoy your summer and take some time to relax, even though it feels impossible as a mom, you deserve it! ๐Ÿ˜โค

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