About Me

I’m so happy that you are here! Welcome 😇

My name is ~ Maribelle🌹 ~ and this is my laid-back, ordinary life blog.

I’m a wife to an amazing husband, a mother to the cutest little guy, and a fashion blogger.

This blog was born out of my need for a creative outlet and self-expression.

I have many interests and many thoughts, and here I share everything with you! You can think of this blog as a personal diary 🌹

I’m a creative who enjoys many hobbies, going from one to another like 🌸🐝🌷

Here are some of my interests!

  1. Fashion blogging, mostly kawaii and Jfashion.
  2. Knitting.
  3. Watching UFC.
  4. Watching WWE (not afraid to admit it).
  5. Preschool childcare (at home and as a volunteer).
  6. Health foods.
  7. K-dramas.
  8. K-pop.
  9. Learning Korean.
  10. Self-help, self-care, self-improvement.
  11. Journaling.
  12. Reading military history, especially the Korean War.
  13. Playing/learning guitar.
  14. Reading (manga, fiction, nonfiction…).
  15. Watching 90’s Sailor Moon.
  16. Makeup.
  17. Watching Friends.
  18. Introspection, alone time, self-reflection.
  19. Late 90’s fashion.
  20. Watching K-pop dances.

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Take care!! Don’t forget to subscribe! XOXO

~ Maribelle🌹 ~

Fun tid-bit about Kiss By The Book:

This blog was going to be named At the Stars, from my favorite song by Better Than Ezra. But atthestars looked weird as a URL, so Kiss by the Book (from Romeo and Juliet) won! 💖