A Quick Thought On “Twilight”

The older I get, the more I understand Bella Swan.

Here’s this young girl, not particularly good at anything, only “ok” in the looks department.

Ignored by her parents ~ while she worries about her air-headed mother and policeman father.

Uprooted from her life, into a sunless, cloudy town where she knows no one.

And here comes Edward, the one good thing to happen to her since… when?

Handsome. Mysterious. Has eyes only for her.

Takes her to the top of the world for heaven’s sake!

Older then her, though he looks permanently 17. Sure, could potentially kill her…

But (and this is where it gets stupid-serious, here’s me thinking too much) ~ how many teens in a similar situation choose drugs? And self-destructive habits? And worse?

I have nothing but sympathy for her choosing to fall head-over-heels with a vampire.

Her alternative was bleak, had she chosen to walk away from him.

Not to mention… it would have been a pretty boring book! 😅

Hahaha Thanks so much for reading. I was actually never a Twilight fan until quite recently. Maybe because the book was actually written by and for older moms? 🤔

Do you have a book/manga/movie that you love but others hate? Lmk in the comments?

Thank you so much for reading!

with love,

~ Maribelle🌹~


6 thoughts on “A Quick Thought On “Twilight”

  1. I probably would have done the exact same thing as Bella at that age. Emotions are intense and Edward was definitely intense. An anime that I love that is kind of controversial is Sword Art Online. It has its share of haters. I also read the 50 Shades of Gray series. That gets a ton of hate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would have too 😁 I’ve heard about SAO but not much. Oh yes, Fifty Shades too! I enjoyed the first. It was fun to read, different and sexy. Honestly, I think people hate a lot of things just because girls/women like them 🫤 Stephen King has been writing sick stuff since when? And nobody says anything 🤷‍♀️

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  2. To be honest you aren’t wrong in this department, I would have chosen love over all the alternatives. Your emotions as a teenage are all over the place as it is, but to be uprooted and left to your own devices is something else. I secretly liked the Twilight series, couldn’t help it. Vampires and Werewolves….yes please! One movie that is either a love or hate for people would be Queen of the Damned. I loved it, and I will admit, Lestat was quite the hunk in that movie when it came out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The one with Aaliyah? I’d forgotten about that movie! I watched it when it came out, and I remember thinking it was so visually striking ❤️ I’ll have to watch it again, thanks for the reminder 😁


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