That I Care, But I Don’t Care

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

I love this post, because it’s going to get people to think about themselves in a positive way πŸ₯°


I like that I care about people, but I don’t care about what people think.

I Love People

I have genuinely come to be fascinated by people ~ that’s why I love reading blogs.

Every person I meet, I fall in love with them a little bit 😁

There’s always something interesting, lovely, funny, or incredible about each person. And I see that. And I just love that!!

I Don’t Love Opinions

At the same time… I don’t care what people think.

Not really.

I don’t care about the harsh opinions, at least.

There are lots of things that people (may) find off-putting about me:

  • my love for kawaii clothes
  • my drawn eyebrows
  • that I love wearing glasses
  • that I’m incredibly dorky and silly and goofy…
My messy room…
  • that I get super into WWE stories and rivalries
  • that I read YA books
  • that I’m a mom before anything else
  • that I love pop worship music.

The Irony… Or Paradox?

The irony is that the people that I really care about don’t care about any of that.

They could care less if I draw my eyebrows or not. It’s an interesting sort of paradox, to care about people, but not care what they think.

And then find out they don’t care about any of those superficial things.

They too, just care about you ❀️

So, my favorite thing about me is that I’ve learned to love people so much!

Oh, and my hair is pretty epic right now too πŸ˜‚

What about you? What do you love about you?

Thank you so much for reading!

with love,

~ Maribelle🌹~


11 thoughts on “That I Care, But I Don’t Care

  1. I am so envious of your hair! After I got COVID, I had a huge bout of hair shedding, so my thick hair is now thin. I can only hope to get my hair to that length! I love my tenacity. When I have a goal, by golly, I am going to reach it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such a bummer 😞 I suffered hair loss after giving birth, but with time it slowed down. Seeing clumps in the shower is never fun 😡 Oh I love that! I always admire resilient people that never quit πŸ’ͺ

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  2. YOU’RE A WWE FAN TOO????? Oh gosh, that’s awesome! So am I! Not sure if you watch Raw, but I’m loving the rivalries between CM Punk and Drew McInTyre, not to mention the whole drama between Liv Morgan and Dominic Mysterio…LOL! 🀣

    Anyway, I totally love and get this post. And the things you listed as “off-putting” are all things I find amazing about you, honestly! I , too, love people, but I’m seen as very off-putting and I do seem to make people uncomfortable. But it doesn’t bother me now that I’m older; I’m just myself, and if it’s only my mom, sister, and one or two close friends who appreciate me, then I’m okay with that! πŸ’– I’ve learned to love myself, and besides, I do wish to distance myself from any harsh opinions!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes! Like, screaming at the TV, totally want a Damian Priest t-shirt fan 😁 I just think it’s so wild 😜 I’m loving those story lines, and still waiting for Otis to stand up to Chad Gable 😞

      Aww Thanks so much πŸ₯° It’s weird because you’d stand out to me, but in a very “I want to be HER friend” kind of way.

      I’m just so glad you don’t let it change who you are. I’ve “toned it down” to be liked before, and it’s the worst.

      And you’re right. The people who truly love you will love you for who you are ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhhh!!! The destabilization of Alpha Academy broke my heart! They were my favorite until Chad turned heel! πŸ˜” My sister is a mega Damian Priest fan, too!

        Thank you for the kind words! I’d totally want to be your friend too if I spotted you in real life!

        Keep on with your lovely authentic self! πŸ₯°

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