June 2024 TBR List! πŸ“š

TBR ~ or at least, what I aim to read as a SAHM πŸ₯°

Here is a photo of ALL the books I plan to read in June 2024!


Splintered by AG Howard

“Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowersβ€”precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before.” (from Amazon).

This is a re-read for me. I remember having a good time reading this one. The story and the book itself are both beautiful and whimsical.

I got the entire series for a great price on eBay, so I can’t wait to dive back in!! πŸ₯° I am definitely going through my YA phase πŸ˜…

Butterflies by Susanne Gervay

“Severely burned as a child, Katherine is now eighteen and trying to make peace between her inner, true self and the scarred exterior that everyone sees.” (from Amazon).

That description alone promises a profound coming of age story.

I get the feeling this one is going to be very emotional ❀️

Spark by Sarah Beth Durst

“Even the quietest voice can change the world.” (from book cover.)

Every now and then I like to read a book made for middle school ages 10-12ish.

The protagonist sounds so much like myself, with her shyness and being so quiet, that I could not resist getting this one!

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

I’m finally reading the Twilight story from Edward’s point of view!

I’m intrigued to see what’s in this one… especially since it’s quite a bit larger than Twilight.

This one is not a priority ~ I will “pick” at it here and there.

La Mujer Que Soy by Britney Spears

I’m reading this one because I’d like to brush up on my Spanish 😁

I’ll be doing a bit of volunteer work as an interpreter, so I’d like to be up to date on my Spanish!

I found it for a couple dollars at a thrift store, and sometimes Spanish books are higher priced than their English counterparts, so I was happy to grab it… even though I don’t much care for the content, TBH.

How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Farber and Julie King

I have a toddler and I need to raise him “by the book.” Because my parents were a good example of what not to do, but I need to know what to do.

I already started this one and it’s given me a lot of insight and great advice!! I highly recommend it if you care for little ones ages 1-7 (even though the book says 2-7).

Fifty Shades of Snow by A. Roy Milligan

Despite the “fifty shades” in the name, it doesn’t at all sound like Fifty Shades of Grey.

It’s actually a drama/thriller/suspense story about Angelia. “Angelia is ready to trade her broke-down life for a thrilling upgrade.” (from Amazon).

I picked this one because I’ve never read urban fiction (or “city life fiction” as Amazon has it listed), so I’m excited to read a new genre!!


I hope I can get through all of these, except maybe Midnight Sun. Wish me luck!

What’s on your reading list this summer?

Thank you so much for reading!

with love,

~ Maribelle🌹~


5 thoughts on “June 2024 TBR List! πŸ“š

  1. I have so much manga on my summer reading list. I hope I can get through some of it. Other than manga, I have Zodiac Academy on my Kindle. It’s a pretty substantial series, so hopefully, I can get through it by the end of the summer! I’m interested in Midnight Sun. I might have to add that to my list.

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    1. Manga is awesome ❀️ Are you reading a specific series? Zodiac Academy is on my July TBR, so no spoilers! πŸ˜„

      I’ve heard that Midnight Sun is dark and depressing (even from Stephenie Meyers herself) but I think it covers some of Edward’s life before meeting Bella, so that might be why.

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